The detailed interior of Lubaina Himid’s Jelly Mould Pavilion on Folkestone’s sea front as part of the 2017 Folkestone Triennial. Folkestone, Kent. Lubaina Himid created a Jelly Mould Pavilion on Folkestone’s sea front, on the former ‘Rotunda’ site of the town’s fun fair, Lido and amusement park where the sugar of candy floss and toffee apples fuelled summer visitors. The pavilion’s colourful decoration in the artist’s signature patterning will serve as a reminder of the lost amusement park, as well as providing a beautiful shelter at the edge of the town to rest, look out to sea, and think about the role of sugar in Britain’s history. Folkestone, Kent. (photo by Andrew Aitchison / In pictures via Getty Images)
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