Award winning actress and Folkestone resident Jessica Hynes walks out of the sea to an embrace from Raga Gibreel director of the charity Green Kordofan after completing a 4 mile sea swim on the 7th of July 2020 with 12 laps of Folkestone sunny sands bay to raise money for charity in Folkestone, Kent. She swam for two different charities, one being the Folkestone community hub, which has been supporting vulnerable people during the Covid-19 lockdown and the second called Green Kordofan which supports children in a refugee camp in Yida, South Sudan. Mrs Hynes is one of many volunteers who have worked at the hub, which provides help by delivering groceries, collecting prescriptions or just being a voice on the end of the phone.The second charity is Green Kordofan, which supports children in a refugee camp in Yida, South Sudan and was founded by Raga Gibreel, also from Folkestone.The registered charity is currently raising money for essential hygiene facilities such as washing and toilet blocks, to make the camp safe for the children who have been displaced by war. (photo by Andrew Aitchison / In pictures via Getty Images)
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